What: Northern Spark Bike Community Happy Hour When: Thursday, March 29, 4-6 pm, presentation at 4:30 pm. Where: Midtown Greenway Coalition at the Freewheel Midtown Bike Center, on the Greenway between Chicago and 10th Avenues What kind of free beer: New Belgium Brewery Why? This year we are promoting cycling as the primary mode of […]
This year, we are thrilled to be partnering with Midtown Greenway Coalition during Northern Spark.
Greenway Partnership from Northern Spark on Vimeo.
One of the uncommon things about Northern Spark (aside from our nocturnal timing) is the very structure of the festival. Northern Lights.mn curates a bunch of artist projects that appear in public space, but good amount of the art and events that comprise the festival are organized by many of the Twin Cities vibrant art, […]
Saturday June 2 was the launch of the Northern Spark Festival. We talked with Northern Spark’s Artistic Director Steve Dietz during the launch party and cerimonial lighting of the Stone Arch Bridge. Check www.northernspark.org for more events leading up to the festival night on June 9th! Video by Tricia Towey & Allison Osberg Sunrise to […]
Our friends at Lunalux–a letterpress print shop and new partner for this year’s festival– chose an apt quote for a poster made specially for our Kickstarter campaign: “We all do better when we all do better.” Indeed, in a wholistic view of things, helping others helps ourselves. In that spirit, help yourself to a limited-edition, hand-printed Lunalux gem and lend […]