We All Do Better When We All Do Better

"We All Do Better When We All Do Better." Signed/numbered edition of 30 posters, designed and printed by Jenni Undis of Lunalux
Our friends at Lunalux–a letterpress print shop and new partner for this year’s festival– chose an apt quote for a poster made specially for our Kickstarter campaign: “We all do better when we all do better.” Indeed, in a wholistic view of things, helping others helps ourselves.
In that spirit, help yourself to a limited-edition, hand-printed Lunalux gem and lend a hand to your favorite nuit blanche festival.
Many thanks to Jenni Undis for inking up the press and cranking out these posters last Friday afternoon, just when the weather turned “cocktails on the patio” warm and made indoor activity especially generous. Cheers to Lunalux!