Bicyclists wanted!
What: Northern Spark Bike Community Happy Hour
When: Thursday, March 29, 4-6 pm, presentation at 4:30 pm.
Where: Midtown Greenway Coalition at the Freewheel Midtown Bike Center, on the Greenway between Chicago and 10th Avenues
What kind of free beer: New Belgium Brewery
This year we are promoting cycling as the primary mode of transportation at the festival. According to our survey data from 2011, 31% of our participants biked from venue to venue, and nearly 20% wanted to bike.
If you are an avid cyclist, bike shop owner, bicycle club member, bike manufacturer, bike blogger, or simply like to ride, we’d like your ideas on how we can best accommodate cyclists at the festival, and how we can make Northern Spark a destination for the bike community. We’ll also dish out info about some awesome bicycle-oriented projects in the festival and to talk about ways you can get involved–on two wheels and otherwise.
If you plan to attend, RSVP to Sarah Peters at by March 25th
Thanks to programming partner Midtown Greenway Coalition for hosting and to New Belgium Brewery for generously providing free beer!