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1000 Fireflies

As part of The Kuramoto Model (1000 Fireflies) we will be making interactive blinking LED devices available for $10 to bicyclists who attend Northern Spark 2012. The devices are outfitted with microcontrollers and radio units that allow them to mutually and observably synchronize with others, as do certain species of firefly. In isolation these devices look similar to conventional LED cycling safety lights, but in groups they exhibit an immediately noticeable phenomenon. In other words, this is going to be a super fun interactive night time art project that is going to look amazing.

You will have opportunities to WIN one of these blinking LED devices through a scavenger hunt via twitter.

This is how it will work:

We will be posting clues of different locations around the Twin Cities where Northern Spark events will be occurring on our twitter feed. Find the location in the clue and take a photo of yourself and/or your bike at the location. Make sure your photo includes our hashtag (#nspk). The hash tag could be simply written on paper, or spelled out in sand or rocks. Be creative and just make sure it’s not illegal. Be the first person to post the photo @northern_spark using the hashtag #nspk and you’ll win a bike light!


1)   Have fun with it!

2)   Don’t do anything illegal when obtaining the photo or in the photo itself

3)   You must follow Northern Spark on twitter (@northern_spark)

4)   To win you must tweet @northern_spark and use the hash tag #nspk